The day has finally come to bring what has been brewing inside of me for a VERY LONG time to fruition. I am so excited that this is FINALLY happening, but I am most excited that you all have decided to go on this blogging journey with me. So, for that I want to say THANK YOU and I LOVE YOU (dearly)!
So, for those of you who may not know me, let me introduce myself. My name is Tamika E. Singleton, but most people call me by my nickname, Bird. I am originally from Philly—Southwest to be exact—but I now reside on the countryside of a small town in Clayton, DE. Professionally I am an Executive Administrative Assistant and have been for the past 14 years and I LOVE it. I have two business degrees; a bachelors and master’s and I’m hoping to get a couple more under my belt sometime in the near future, so stay tuned!!!

Now for the interesting stuff…I am Christian woman who just so happens to be single with no children. Now, I’mma need y’all to pray cause your girl is gonna be somebody’s wife and some child(ren)’s Mama one day. So, make sure y’all keep me, my hubby and my newborn in mind when your kids graduate from college, mmm-kay? We’ll bring a card with money in it…lol! Anyway, some of the things that I love to do are EAT, travel, EAT, spend time with my family and friends, EAT, be a creative and did I mention EAT…LOL? Yep, I love food. I’m not the “can I have a salad with light dressing” kind of girl. I love to throw down. Just tell me who made the potato salad and then we’re good…lol!

Ok, enough about me. So, I’m sure some of you are wondering what this blog is all about. Well, I love your curiosity, but just a quick back story. The “For the Good Girls” blog was birthed out of a “come to Jesus” moment that I had. When this vision came about, I was having an emotional breakdown. One of my sister-girlfriends sent me a YouTube video to watch of a young man having a discussion about some of the biggest relationship problems that we face in life. He mentioned that if we would actually LISTEN to what the person was telling us about who they are and what they desire instead of coming up with our own ideas of them and how we think they should be perceived, then we would be so much further relationally. At that moment in my life the biggest relationship problems that I was having was my relationship with God and the one I was having with myself. For so long God has been telling me to move in faith with encouraging and motivating others publicly but I allowed the relationship I was having with myself to supersede that. My thoughts are not His thoughts and my ways are not His ways, but somehow, I convinced myself that “my plans” seemed greater than God’s plan for my life and I always ended up in this limbo situation of not knowing what to do or how to move. So, 16 minutes into this video I was weeping like Martin was when he found out that Tommy and Pam were dating! I mean tore up! And then it hit me like a ton of bricks…FOR THE GOOD GIRLS!

The For the Good Girls blog is created for women that are going through life believing they are doing everything right, but time and time again they are faced with dead ends, crossroads and even hitting potholes along the way. No matter what they do, life just keeps handing them lemons. The problem is that the rest of the ingredients to make lemonade are out of their reach, so they end up in “bitter” situations. This platform will provide women with solutions, ideas and even some fun and engaging go-to methods that will help them in their daily lives.
The first few weeks of this journey will be all about us getting to know each other. YES! I want to know about you too. I believe that engagement is super important because we can all learn from each other. No one person, unless you’re Jesus Christ, is a know it all. Even though I am the creator and the voice behind this platform, I want to hear what you have to say to as well.

I will be coming here week after week to discuss various topics, but they will all be relational to one another. For example, during the month of December we will discuss all things Christmas. However, one week could talk about shopping tips and tricks for moms, girlfriends and daughters-in-laws, another week we could discuss how to manage your Christmas weight during the holidays to stay snatched for YOU and your boo, the next week we could discuss the go-to dish for the holidays for your first Christmas dinner and the final week we could discuss dealing with grief or being alone around the holidays. So, while we are discussing various topics, they are all related to one another. This is just a small example of what will be discussed here at FTGGirl Blog. Now, the BEST part about this is that I will not be doing this alone. I will have special guest gracing my blog who are experts in their fields and who has a heart for the people. I CANNOT WAIT!!! Now while this is geared towards women of all ages and stages in their lives, MEN ARE WELCOME! Some of our special guest will be men because ladies as much as we hate to admit it, WE DON’T KNOW IT ALL. So, hearing from the men will be a special treat.
So, how can we stay engaged with each other? I encourage you to sign up for the FTGGirls Blog Newsletter so that you can stay in the loop of upcoming blog post, special events and more. Now, I know that sometimes signing up for a newsletter can be daunting because your email gets slammed with notices, but I PROMISE YOU that I will not bombard you with emails like we bombard God with that same prayer of “Lord, if You get me out this time, I promise I won’t do it again.” Also, there will be a comment section below each blog post, so PLEASE feel free to leave a comment. All viewpoints are welcome. However, the only thing that I ask is for everyone to be respectful towards me, this blog as well as others that will be commenting. This is a SAFE PLACE that’s full of love and peace and we will like it to stay that way.

Welp, that’s all I have for now! Again, I thank you for being here, I appreciate the love, support and prayers that I have received from some of you thus far and I am super excited for what’s to come. Don’t forget to sign up for the newsletter, to follow me on Instagram (@FTGGirls) and to SHARE, SHARE, SHARE this with as many people as you can.
I love y’all, I appreciate y’all and I will talk to y’all soon.
Love Always,
Congratulations Tamika!!!👏🥳🤩 I am so proud of you!! Can't wait to participate and share. For starters, if life gives you lemons you keep them free lemons, lol. Women are VERY resourceful and we'll make a way!
For being obedient to God's voice and for the awesome Christian good girl you are...I'm proud of you....PERIODT💗
Awesome!' Congratulations! I am happy and excited for you. I look forward to reading more and receiving the newsletter
Congratulations Bird I’m so excited for you and the blog and I can’t wait peace and Blessings