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“I’m Difficult, But I’m Worth It”

I have been seeing this phrase trending on social media time and time again and being reposted by so many women. Every time I see it, I can’t help but to wonder where the heart is of the woman that reposted it. I know that some post it as a joke, but some standby this. My assumption is they believe that they are so worth having, that dealing with the most difficult part of them will be worth it all in the end. Now, I’m not saying that they are not worth it, but I can’t help but to challenge this theory with a simple question:

Why not work on fixing the parts of you that you know are difficult?

If some women are coming from the view of “I’ve got some baggage and if he would just give me a chance, then I can show him that I am worth it” than I get it. Some women who consider themselves an asset to the right man may feel like God is holding them in this waiting chamber to deal with all of the baggage they have before He sends them a suitable mate. This just might be the case to deal with some of the necessary baggage they have been avoiding all along. If so, then get the necessary tools you need Sis to get it done, but at the same time understand that God is probably waiting for you to get over feeling sorry for yourself. We cry out to God begging and pleading for Him to send us a husband, but we post or say things like this, which could possibly change the heart and mind of the one man that has been wanting to shoot his shot. While you’re at it, take the stress off of yourself thinking that you have to be perfect to attract what’s meant for you. Might I add, God just may send you someone that can help you to unpack some of that baggage, but you have to be willing to be open enough to allow someone to help you to do that.

Just a little Bible lesson here: There were so many people in the Bible that were far from perfect that God was able to use and that He blessed. Here’s just a few:

  • Moses stuttered, but God used him to lead the people of Israel out of captivity.

  • David was the smallest of his brothers, but God used him to slay Goliath with a smooth stone and a sling shot.

  • Jonah fled from God and ended up in the belly of the well, but when Jonah repented, God allowed for the whale to release him and to continue on his journey.

  • Peter denied Jesus 3 times, but God still used him to be an appointed apostle of the church.

And even after all of this some of them still made terrible mistakes, but God still used them.

Now back to our regularly scheduled blog…

Hopefully at this point you are no longer ticked off at me, but I want you to remember that “death and life is in the power of the tongue.” (Proverbs 18:21) What you speak about yourself, whether it be positive or negative, manifests itself in your life, especially if you keep repeating it over and over again. I talked about this in one of my blog post called "Watch Your Mouth." Go back and read it when you get a moment.

So, ladies, I encourage you to work on fixing those issues that you can that make you “difficult” and if you can’t fix it yourself, seek God and ask Him to send you the right tools to fix it, whether it be counseling, therapy, some alone time in prayer, a Bible study, a devotional, etc.

Love Always,



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